Loving Me

Published on 25 October 2023 at 10:03

There was a time I didn't think I was worthy of love. No matter how hard I tried to prove myself, I felt invisible, misused, and unappreciated. Most of the thngs I have done in life is to get the attention of someone else. If it wasn't my parents, men, and so-called friends, I thought I needeed the acceptance of others to feel whole. But I only needed to see myself for who I truly was and love me for me. Crazy thing is, many saw my potential and took advantage of my nieveness. I just wanted to be accepted, cared for, loved on and receprosity. Once I started to look in the mirror and see my greatness and love me for me is when my life started to change. When I started to see the person looking back at me was the only person I could depend on and the only person I needed to fully invest in, my life started to look brighter, things started to happen that I never expected. And from that day on I started to make the changes in my life to be the most unapologetic authentic person I could be. I startd to put ME first. Yes, I have lost people I thought woul have been around forever, but I was ok with letting go of what didn't serve me anymore. I had to let go of what was holding me back from reaching my highest potential. I had to let go of what I thought was real love and seek the love from within Me. I am Love, I am Light, I am God, I am Worthy! It all comes from within Me. 

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