I've learned I'm not of this world but because of the choices I made, I have to be in this world. The journey is to find my purpose and elevate back to my true higher self. Others saw my light from the very beginning, but none of that mattered until I could look at myself and realize who I am and what I am capable of. 

I started this website just to release all the baggage from my past. Wasn't trying to be perfect, professional, or even cared about who would read it. I figured, when I make it big, or when I start living in my spotlight and my name gets out there, no one could hold anything over me, I wouldn't be afraid to put myself out there, because I have already told my story. No one could say well, she did this or she did that, because I am admitting I had run amuck in my early years and I am not perfect by any means, but I'm human just like the next person and my past doesn't define who I am right now. 

I am learning to trust myself and hold myself accountable for how my life plays out. Letting go of my people pleasing and making myself top priority. I had to isolate myself from what I'd known my whole life. I had to let go of people places and things that wasn't for my greater good. During my isolation I had to decide who I wanted to show up as and how I wanted to show up once I healed from the trama of my past. Each day I ask myself what I can do today to make myself better than I was before. 

Now I am seeing how I am living in my manifestations. From every aspect of my life, I see the changes happening. Some days are hard because I have to tell myself the things that are provided may not look the way I've fantasized about it in my head, but it's still providing the same outcome. Now I don't try to predict what's going to happen next, I just let it happen.