Remember When

Published on 31 October 2023 at 11:25

Remember when conspiracy theories were just that, A Theory! Now things are hitting so close to home, you question everything you were ever told. When people spoke crazy of the government, you were looked at as a traitor.  HOW COULD YOU??? Or spoke bad about a celebrity or well-known person they related with; they would call you every name but the child of GOD.  Now as you have pulled away from society and started to focus on yourself and what that intels, you see things from a different vantage point. Those times you would questioin things and poeple told you, you were crazy. Those times you had the feeling of familiarity; it was your intuition letting you know to step aside. Now I see why the older generations said children are to be seen and not heard. Don't interupt grown folks talking. They knew the fresh new souls knew the truth and had not been brainwashed yet. Oh, he moving too fast, you need to slow him down, WHAT kind of mess it that to say? Or she too smart to be that young, babies not supposed to be doing this or that so young, we delay our kids from being who they truly are. WE cause the disruption in these kids that want to excel, they know what they know but the brainwashed adult doesn't want these new souls coming in influencing the controlled. We cause the mental illness of these kids that only want to live their true life, doing whatever makes them happy. But the controllers have spent too many years and too much money, implanting certain information for the program they have set up. Once you begin to question everything, you find out what you already knew, but it was slowy pushed to the back of your mind due to the new programing that you were born into. Remember when everything was just "TALK", you don't personally know anyone that went through what the "conspiracy theorists" be talking about. But now you can see firsthand how they put these plots together and if you pay attention long enough you will see they all coincide with each other at one point or another. 

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