Who Am I

Published on 6 November 2023 at 12:17

Have you ever sat and thought about who you really are? I mean I know who I have trained myself to be and who I allowed other people to groom me to be, but at times I don't know who I really am. I trained and was groomed to be a good daughter for my parents, I trained myself to be a good sister, granddaughter, friend, girlfriend, mother, and employee. But Who Am I really? I always wanted to strip myself down to nothing, wake up each day to do what makes me happy, and just let things manifest organically. All that I have accepted as my life thus far, I want to just make it all go away and start all over. Not being influenced by what others think or feel, but just doing what natually comes to me.

At this time in my life, I am taking more steps away from pleasing anyone other than myself. It's been rough, but I am making it a point to put myself first in every aspect of life. If it doesn't fit into the dynamics that I have set for myself, then it's not worth my time. If I change my mind about something, I won't feel bad about it. I will stop putting myself in uncomfortable situations for the sake of making someone else happy. Because 9 times out of 10 I, they don't care anyway. I am ok with others being slightly disappointed if it keeps me sain and comfortable in who I am. The more I work on who I want to be the happier I am. 

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