What If

Published on 6 August 2024 at 10:57

What if during covid there was an energy shift where the higher vibrating individuals that walked among us were radiating at such a high frequency. So, to keep their higher energy from radiating and activating others to wake up to the madness that was going on around us, the government released "the virus" Covid. Keeping everyone in the masks allowed for them to not take in the higher frequency, new energy (clean air) during that timeframe. Those that didn't wear masks, they were able to soak up more of the higher vibrations (clean air) because they continued to go out and live life, grounding with the mother nature, being one with self and not following the social norm of listening to outside of oneself on how to live their human life. Just think of how people have changed since Covid. How all ages are seeing things differently and being open about it. How those that masked up and acted a pure fool (cleaning out all the stores for things that they really didn't need) because they were fear mongered into thinking they would be trapped at home forever, instead of taking that time to get more in tune with self. They literally shoved it in our faces that we didn't have to work to live. All we had to do was enjoy life and help each other not to overconsume on things that didn't really mean anything or have value. Life's experiences are more valuable than anything. Experiences teach you what is real and what isn't. Experiences teach you that two different things can be true at the same time. Experiences teach you that love is truly the actions behind the words. Love is a verb! Experiences teach you fear is only in your head because you can't control the outcome. Experiences teach you that people put value in material things to divide themselves from people they used to be like. Experience teaches you feelings are just triggers from past experiences whether good or bad. Experience teaches you that YOU determine what's good or bad, and YOU determine what emotion to express from that. Experience teaches you that you decide what to hold on to and what to let go of. So why hold on to the bad things and not focus on the millions on good things that happen daily? I am grateful for all my experiences and as I look back over my life, I'm the only one that is focusing on those few bad things that I had willingly participated in, knowing I should have never entertained them to begin with.  

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