
Published on 3 February 2024 at 17:09

It's my birth month and when I tell you my higher ups don't play about ME!! January was my test month to see if I am really sticking to my guns and moving into this new chapter of my life with no regrets of letting go of my past life. I didn't wish anyone a happy new year, I didn't reach out to old friends, or family that I removed from my life the prior year. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't look back or go back to my old ways. Ways that weren't making me happy. February 1st was the confirmation that shit is about to get real. That whole day was truly a confirmation. I started out with taking a half day off of work, went to my scheduled Dr's appointment because I wanted to get off on a good start with my physical and mental health. After that I took myself out to lunch and on my drive to the restaurant, I noticed two hawks flying overhead. Hawks are my spirit guides, when they come around, I know goodness is coming to me.  To my surprise someone happily paid my bill. The bartender who waited on me had the same name as my manager and she was the sweetest person. So, since I didn't have to pay my bill, I gave her a nice tip and gave the person that paid my bill the biggest hug before I left. I had the biggest smile on my face leaving out of there. February 2nd was a catch-up day at work, but it was still a good day. I ran out to the store and as I was checking out a lady in line forgot her debit card in the car and I paid for her purchase. No hesitation at all. It felt good. I get home and get a text from a moving company letting me know who my rep would be if I decided to use them whenever I move. Well wouldn't you know when I checked my email, I got a message from the apartment complex I had checked out a few weeks prior. Honestly hadn't thought much of it because I told myself I was living in the moment and if it was meant to be then Source would send it my way. Woke up Saturday morning and filled out the application and before the money was taken out my account for the application fee, I got an approval email, and the property manager was calling me to go over everything! Baby!!! Universe and Source don't play about me. I realized that once I started to focus on the positive and just let things flow, it flows heavily for me. I am so worthy of all the goodness that has come to me. So, after dropping off some paperwork to the complex I needed to pick up a prescription and you guessed it, it was FREE!!!  I am getting my flowers while I'm living. Universe is showing me I am worthy, and I am being rewarded for the seeds I have sown over the years. Believing in Alicia and pouring into myself is the best thing I have done for myself. Letting go of what doesn't serve me has opened up the door for so much that's going to come to me. I am trusting in myself more and my intuition is leading me to great things. I no longer look to others for confirmation on anything in my life.  I am moving in silence and expressing my gratitude for all that is being granted to me. I am not attaching myself to any person, place or thing that may keep me from reaching my highest potential. My higher self will guide me from here on. I am no longer the friend who offers herself up for things that I know I don't want to be a part of. I am not the friend you can call and confide in, anymore. I'm not the "let me vent to you" friend anymore. If you are not trying to solve the problem, then you are part of the problem. I am not the friend that goes out of her way to figure it out for others that are capable of figuring it out for themselves. If I am not getting anything out of it, then it's not for Alicia. I am living in my true self. I needed to be in isolation to figure out what I wanted and how I wanted my life to be moving forward. I am not the person they use to get over on. Alicia is putting Alicia first at all costs. 2024 will be the year of accomplishments for me. I will NOT feel bad about anything that allows me to be a better person for me. I am Love, I am Light, I am God, I am Worthy. I will no longer humble myself for anyone. I will speak loudly of my blessings because I am not ashamed of the hard work that I put in to be where I am. I will praise Source and the Universe out loud for what they have provided me. I will no longer be silent to make others feel ok about themselves. I will not diminish my glow or shine, so they don't feel some type of way. It's love me as I am or leave me be. I will be ok I promise!

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