Living in the Moment

Published on 2 December 2023 at 13:17

It's been a while since I've posted. I wanted to take the time to live in the moment. I needed to really see how my ife has changed and is continuing to change for the better. My mornings start with giving thanks for allowing me to be a part of another amazing day. "They say life is what you make it." Speaking my afirmations and listening to more inspirational music. I've even started listening to some classical music. I open up all the blinds and my patio door and listen to the birds as they start to move about. The crows sound off as the Hawk flies overbove and the cardinals stop by from time to time. There is a blue bird couple that lives on the edge of the building and it's cool to watch them play around. The dog owners are out early walking their pets before they head to work. Traffic starts to pick up on the side street and the maintenance guys start clanking around. And this is all before I log in to start my day. Glaceon gets his last zoomy session in before he starts to wind down for his morning nap. Once I'm logged in and caught up on emails, I make breakfast, take a shower and just sit and take it all in. Some days I don't leave the house. I'm starting to move about with more intent. If it's not a neccesity then I don't force myself to be out in the hussle and bussle. I do get most of my errands done during the week, so Saturday and Sunday are my days to do whatever I feel like. And I don't feel bad if I do nothing at all. My house is clean, I've done laundy, and gotten groceries during the week so it leaves my weekends to be as lazy as I chose to be. I don't have to get up early, but I do wake up early regardless. but I can lay in bed and scroll social media, play my games, or just lay there and listen to the outside world start to wake. I have caught some great moon settings during the full moons. The sky is so beautiful in the mornings as the sun comes up. I give myself grace and mercy now. I give thanks to myself for coming this far and staying strong during the hard times. I speak love and light into Me. Expressing how proud I am of myself for not giving up. For taking the leap when I was scared of the unknown. For speaking up for myself. For accepting things, I can't change and letting go fo what doesn't serve me anymore. I've let go of friendships I thought would always be around, and I don't speak to my family as much, but I am so ok with it. It was needed to get me to where I am and where I'm going. So, each day I live in the day. I take what comes and live on facts not feelings. I move with intent and knowing that whatever happens it's happening for me and not to me. I'm trusting myself more and making decisions because I am listening and trusting my intuition. My Higher Self speaks to me in the early mornings when it's extra quiet and still. Those 3am wake up calls be so refreshing after I get over my "why are you waking me up so damn early" moment LOL. I will tell anyone, just live in the moment. Don't stress about the what if. Don't worry about "the rainy day" and stop stressing about when, how, and where. It will all come together when you stop and just live in the moment. 

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