
Published on 25 December 2023 at 11:31

I was relaxing one evening after work and a thought came to me. A thought of how we manifest people into our lives, for the situation we're going through at the time. The first person that surfaced for me was seeing how me and a lady I met while working for a company I was employed with for about 15yrs. She was the mother I never had. She basically took me under her wings and guided me through a prominent part of my life as I was dealing with being pregnant by my daughter's father and going through all that drama, she always spoke love into me and made me feel like I was the daughter she never had. No matter what, she was there for me. Through all my heartaches, fun times, and just when I needed some motherly advice she was there. Even outside of work, I would go visit her and we'd sit for hours just talking and laughing about life. And in that I now see that I was the younger version of her. A single mother doing what she needs to do to raise her child. For her she was living with her mother, for me I was living with my then boyfriend, and soon after raising my daughter alone. We both sacrificed so much so our child would not go without, even when we at times went without, or dealt with individuals we didn't really care for. She taught me how to take up for myself, how not to let anyone take advantage of my kindness. How to carry myself as a lady and would definitely put me in my place if I was in the wrong. She pushed me to do things I would have never got the courage on my own to do. No matter what I never judged her for who she was and what she did outside of our relationship. This opened up a bigger doorway to others in my life and how we mirror each other. While spending time at my mom's house, I saw how my mother gets to see the relationship between my sister and niece.  It's the relationship my sister wanted with her. My sister allows her daughter to enjoy her childhood. She doesn't put adult responsibilities on her. She has real life conversations with my niece and leaves the door open to ask questions about anything. They have a mother daughter bond we wished we had with our mother. Also, my sister and niece live with my mom, so it's a time for my sister to have her time with my mom and work out any of those old feelings she's holding on to. I've forgiven and moved on from my past. This year I released so many people from my life. I saw how I manifested them due to whatever I was going through at the time to use it as an excuse of why I wasn't making needed decisions in my life. I wasn't confident in myself or was so wrapped up in my people pleasing, that I manifested these indivuals to help me along my way. Once you heal from the situation you're going through, those people eventually leave your life beacuse you no longer need them. Some only held me up from my true purpose and some propelled me there even quicker. Either way, I learned from them, and I regret nothing at all because it has made me who I am. But now when new people come into my life, I will know to ask myself why they are here and what's going on with me, that needs them around.  

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